Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility

At Grupo Aluminios de Precisión, we share an ethical commitment and values that guide all of our work. This ethical commitment affects all of our relationships with our employees, suppliers, customers and the environment.

Respecting the Human Rights of Workers:

  • We promote equal opportunity and equal treatment for each of our employees, regardless of race, nationality, social class, disability, sexual, political or religious orientation, gender or age.
  • We respect people's dignity, as well as their privacy and all other individual rights.
  • We do not employ anyone against their will.
  • We do not tolerate any unacceptable or demeaning treatment of our employees, such as intellectual cruelty, sexual harassment or discrimination.
  • We prohibit any conduct, including any gestures and/or physical contact, that could be construed as sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive, or suggestive of exploitation.
  • We compensate our workers with fair remuneration, guaranteeing the payment of at least the minimum wages as established in the labour agreement to which the company is adhered.
  • We comply with the schedules established in the agreement and in the legislation.
  • We recognise, always within the legal framework, the right to free association of workers and we neither favour nor discriminate against members of trade union organisations.

About the prohibition of child labour:

  • We do not employ workers under 16 years of age, following the Spanish law in force and the labour classifications established in the agreement to which the company is adhered.

About the Supply Chain:

  • We encourage our suppliers to adopt and comply with this Code of Conduct.
  • We comply with the principles of non-discrimination during the selection of our suppliers.

Prohibition of acts of corruption and bribery:

  • We do not tolerate any form of corruption or any act of bribery, including the payment or any other form of obtaining benefits from any public administration.
  • We do not accept gifts, courtesies or considerations that exceed the logical social conventions and, in no case, when they can influence any business decision.

About our general ethical commitment and the Legislation in force:

  • We believe in active and voluntary commitment, above and beyond what the law requires.
  • We rigorously comply with the laws, regulations, rules and customs, respecting the legitimate contracts and commitments acquired.
  • We serve society with useful products and fair conditions.
  • We strive for the continuity of the company and, in an ethical manner, we work to achieve reasonable growth.
  • We improve the possibilities and opportunities for our company's social community.
  • We involve our team in ethical behaviour.
Corporate Responsibility


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Call us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Pol. Ind. Villalonquéjar
C/ Merindad de Cuesta Urria, 26
09001 Burgos (Spain)
Commercial Department
Mobile: +34 638 355 751